
{Specials} Announcing…Summer Mini Sessions!

It’s finally here!  For the first time ever, I am offering Summer Mini Sessions!

I have six slots available for Sunday August 12, 2012.


Morning sessions will take place on location in Columbus and afternoon sessions will take place on location in Park City.

Please email atriversedgephoto@hotmail.com to schedule your time slot!  I will make sure to update At River’s Edge Photography on Facebook as time slots get reserved.

(Cash, Check, VISA accepted)

{Spring 2012 Photo Contest!}

I have had this idea on my mind for quite some time now and have finally decided to give it a whirl!

The Spring 2012 Photo Contest has officially begun!

Post your favorite picture of your kiddo(s) (or pets, since they’re our kids too!) to At Rivers Edge Photography’s Facebook Wall and the one with the most “likes” by April 7th at midnight will win…

A FREE Session and $150.00 print credit!

The Rules:

Post one photo (only ONE) to the Facebook Wall.

I will then upload the photo into the Album titled “Spring 2012 Photo Contest”

At this point, you will have to round up all your friends and family to make sure they go “like” your photo to make sure you have a chance to win!

Best of luck to everyone, I cannot wait to see everyone’s images!



{Specials} Announcing…Spring Mini Sessions!

There are a lot of fun things happening around here lately, this post being the first of many!

It’s that time of year again and I am so excited to be able to announce Spring Mini Sessions!

Just like every other Mini Session, they tend to fill up quickly so make sure to email me as soon as you can to reserve your time slot!  Oh, and just in case you’re a bit confused, the $50 session fee will count toward your Mini Session this time around.  Yes, that means, that it’s only $150 TOTAL for the disc.  I know, I know, what a killer deal!

I cannot wait!  This set of Mini Sessions, I just have this feeling, is going to be my favorite yet.  I have all sorts of ideas and intend on having quite a few different “sets” set up.

*rubbing hands together*….so excited!


The 11:00 slot has been claimed.

The 4:00 slot has been claimed.

|Announcing…| Fall Mini Sessions!

|Rumour Has It|

On Thursday, I had the incredible opportunity to photograph some seriously adorable kids, in some seriously adorable hats!

My friend Kassi, owner of Rumour Has It, began making hats not too long ago.  I can still remember the first picture she posted…

It was like wildfire!  Moms all over the pages of Facebook were raving about them, and with good reason…

They are well, for lack of a better word – ADORABLE!

Made out of soft yarn, colorful yarn, bulky yarn – all just yearning to be touched, she outshines all others in the business with her true talent for design.  Just the accents on the hats alone make one swoon!

So these will be hard…

Should I “Oooh” and “Ahhhhh” over the beautiful children?! 
Or should I “Oooh” and “Ahhhhh” over all these beautiful hats?!

Take your pick.  But as a Mom of two now…I’ll take the hats. 🙂

Announcing…Spring Mini Sessions!

These sessions fill up FAST and are sooo much fun!  Email Ashley @ atriversedgephoto@hotmail.com to reserve your time!

(Specials) Now all we need…

Since I have spent the last few weeks purchasing all sorts of goodies for the studio – I finally took the time to make a little setup to show you guys.

Now all we need is a baby to complete the photographs!

It won’t be long…

Contact Ashley –  atriversedgephoto@hotmail.com to inquire about open session dates and pricing!

Studio Grand Opening!

Supporting ZooMontana

Did you know that ZooMontana is a privately funded non-profit organization?  In short, this means that they rely solely on private donations and volunteers to keep their doors open.

By March 19th (Next Saturday), Zoo Montana has to have reached its goal of $500,000 in donations, or the Association of Zoos and Aquariums will revoke their accreditation.

For every person who has ever sat in their house, whining and complaining that Billings is “Sooooo boring” and there is “Nothing to do here…” – take those loafers to the streets and go check out the Zoo! 

The kiddo, my Mom, and myself – did just that today.  (And boy was it a perfect day for it!)  The sun was shining and yes, the wind was blowing, but it felt like our first real taste of Spring…I’ll take it any way it comes at this point!

The pictures that follow give you just a glimpse of what ZooMontana has to offer.  I really encourage you to walk the grounds yourself.  Bring a friend – spend a sunny morning or afternoon catching up while you walk the trails and peer into the eyes of Bald Eagles and maybe a Red Panda (if you’re lucky!)

And please…don’t let it be something that you procrastinate and wait to do.  If you don’t do it soon, there may not be a ZooMontana for you to explore.

For those of you that may live too far to visit this amazing facility – please don’t hesitate to click HERE and donate.  Every penny counts!

(Specials) Studio Sneak Peek #3!

It is so close I can almost taste it!!  I’ve begun spending more and more time in my studio – just sitting, looking around, watching the kiddo fall asleep on the rug…

So far, all my files and boring stuff has been moved in – now just the final touches…like the monsterous piano that has been in my family for years.  🙂 

The hubby thinks he can move it himself.  I am requiring the strength of at least four men.  Looks like that will have to wait until next weekend…unless I have volunteers!! (Remember, I’m a great cook people!)

Here is what I did today though.  Yes, even an 8 month pregnant female can put shelves together and hop on a ladder to hang some photographs.  Hoooah!

(Specials) Studio Sneak Peek #2

I had been waiting…and waiting…and waiting for my floors to arrive via UPS – via HomeDepot.com.  When they say 3-5 Business days, they must *really* mean, at least two weeks.  Go figure!

Anyways, my kind and amazing UPS man brought me Thirteen 40lb. boxes on Monday, filled with these glorious floors I have been waiting to see in the studio.  You know, it’s one thing to look at them online and ponder if they will look good or not.  Its an entirely different thing to wait for 520lbs of flooring to arrive at your house, and then hope that it looks good!

Well, the hubby spent only three hours installing them last night, and the studio is almost finished!  (He’s a freeking work horse…)  I woke up this morning, went out to the studio with my cup of coffee and my camera for the big reveal…

All I could say was “WOW!” 

It looks exactly as I hoped.  🙂

Announcing…my Maternity Leave

(Studio Sneak Peek)

It may not look like much – but its been quite the ride trying to get here!

Three weeks and we’ll be moving on in!!!  🙂

VIP = Very Important Poll

It’s the new year, which means changes! 

I am coming up with a completely different structure to my pricing and I want to know exactly what my past and future clients prefer.  The poll is completely anonomous, so please take just a moment to make your pick. 

Thanks in advance you guys!


For my amazing clients who have been nothing short of *AWESOME* this year – this is for you!

Keep in mind – If you purchase the Family Session Special, you can use it anytime in 2011! 

Also, there is a very fast turnaround for Christmas cards this year. (As in, about five days total from the time you order them to when they arrive on your doorstep!)  You can e-mail me a favorite photo (or photos) that you have taken this year, or you can use one from your 2010 Session.  What a steal of a deal!

(Specials) Christmas Card Special!

Announcing our Christmas Card special for 2010!

This special (as seen in the graphic below) will run from today through Black Friday (November 26th). 

Feel free to e-mail a photo that I have taken of you, or one that you’ve taken yourself!  To choose your favorite card from the 2010 line, click HERE.

Take care everyone!

And The Winners Are…

Wow guys!  Quite the response to the blog contest!  Some of you were so incredibly close – it was hard to believe! 

I decided to do 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place.  1st and 2nd place will recieve a set of handmade dishtowels.  3rd and 4th place will recieve coffee cozy’s!!

[1st and 2nd place winners were the two closest on each side of the actual price.  3rd and 4th place were the closest after them!  Remember – the goal was to be the closest without going over – but I decided to do it differently.  Why?  Because I’m the boss lady!]


1st – Holli – with a guess of $150.00
2nd – Kristi – with a guess of $152.50  (.43 cents off – that was CLOSE!)
3rd – Misty – with a guess of $154.75
4th – Jenna – with a guess of $139.65

I will contact each of you individually to decide on color scheme!  Merry Christmas!!  🙂

It’s beginning to look a lot like…Christmas?


Yes, you read that right.  It’s October 18th and I am wayyyyyyyy behind on Christmas presents already. 

I am one of those people who actually like to handmake gifts for my friends and family.  (Though I am sure some of my friends/family would rather get a gift card than a handmade dishcloth…) 

Normally around this time, I already have at least half of my projects finished.  Thing is, if you know me well, you know and already realize that I work very well under pressure.  I would almost prefer for it to be that way.  While certain areas of my life are outlined and listed like you would find in a tried and true recipe…this aspect of my life (crafts, gifts, Holiday planning, etc…) is the EXACT opposite.  Give me a deadline and I’ll meet it, no question.  I might be working my @$$ off until the last second (literally…) but I’ll meet it baby!

So in light of needing to get my rear in gear…I made a trip to Hobby Lobby.

Oh Lord.

I knew it was going to be bad.  I went into the store knowing that I wasn’t going to skimp on yarn and decided to pretty much ignore pricing.  Ugh. 

Here is what happened…

My name is Ashley and I am addicted to yarn.

So I decided I would make a fun little game out of this at least. 

If you guess how much I spent in yarn on this ONE trip to Hobby Lobby, you will win a set of handmade dishcloths, or a cozy for your coffee!   You must comment on this blog post (not on Facebook, not by sending me an e-mail or message) and the closest guess without going over, wins!!

Ahhhhh….A Day in The Life…

Christmas Cards 2010!

It feels sooooo good to finally get these up on the blog!  They’re uploading to Facebook right now and let me tell you…something about Facebook today has made uploading near the speed of sap coming out of a tree’s bark.  *Painful* people.  Absolutely painful!

So here they are!  E-mail atriversedgephoto@hotmail.com to inquire about prices.  I will get back to you within 24 hours that you send your e-mail!

Take good care

(Families & Children) Fall Mini Sessions – The LaCasse Family!

Since I had quite a few mini sessions, I decided it would be overkill to blog each and every one.  So when it came time to narrow down who the lucky family would be, I thought…”Well…first come, first served!”

The LaCasse family was my first Mini Session of the afternoon.  We had a few laughs, I heard quite a few stories from the handsome man (How many teeth lost, a scrape on the nose from PreSchool, who his teacher is… :-)) and lastly, I found out that this adorable young girl is a babysitter.  A BABYSITTER people!  Goodness sake, I hope the girl likes to make money!

The weather couldn’t have been more perfect for October (Really, it felt more like late July) and the colors near the river were just as I pictured they would be.

So don’t forget…next time these Mini Sessions come around (Spring will be the next round)…get on it early people!  Slots fill quickly and it really is quite the bang for your buck.  Till next time!

(Specials!) Facebook Fan Contest!

Now here’s a contest for you!

Go to my Facebook page…


  • Become a “like” of At River’s Edge Photography
  • Suggest the page to your friends!  (Located right underneath the profile photo)

Do all this and you’ll have a chance to win a FREE SESSION Package valued at over $400.00!!

The winner will be announced on Facebook and on the Blog within 24 hours after the goal of 500 fans has been reached!

Good luck everyone!

(Specials) Introducing…Fall Mini Sessions!

This is so much fun to do!  Twice a year (once in the Spring – once in the Fall) I love to offer this to my clients for a great deal. 

Keep in mind – it’s a great opportunity to get a quick family picture (Christmas Card maybe?), a few pictures of the kiddos (waaaaay more fun for the kids than those Lifetouch photos they’re still selling at school!), or maybe you’re a married couple that needs a little update and an excuse to get dressed up for a half hour!

These six time slots fill up very quickly so you might want to hurry!!

All my best –